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Social Networks

Social Media App Development Services

Custom social media development
Messaging apps development
Dating apps development

Social media app development services we provide

We’re a social media app development company that creates exceptional apps helping companies meet their objectives.

Increased user engagement
Social features inherent in any social media app motivate users to interact with the app and increase their engagement for business.
Sense of community
Apps with social elements provide touchpoints with customers vital for building a community around the brand and increasing customer loyalty.
Source of valuable insights
Social media apps grant customers insights that help to find out their needs and study user behavior to make smarter business decisions
Cover broader audience
Expand your customer base and gain traffic to your website by reaching a larger audience with the help of social media apps.

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Social media apps we can deliver

Our social media app developers have extensive experience in creating different types of social media apps that suit various business needs.

Social networks
Intended to connect people, these apps are packed with user-centric features like chats, audio and video calls, and comment sections, making communication easier.

Built for: Mobile, Web
Discussion apps
Users always want to discuss news and their favorite topics. These platforms can provide this opportunity with thread creation, likes, replies, content sharing, and more.

Built for: Mobile, Web
Media sharing networks
Self-expression platforms allow you to create and post videos, music, artworks, articles and share them with others to find like-minded people and enhance produced content.

Built for: Mobile, Web
Consumer reviews networks
Reviews are vital for the decision-making process of every user. Review networks allow users to share, read and discuss reviews on various goods and services with others.

Built for: Web
Tech stack we use to
create social media apps
Google Maps
Google Maps
Microsoft Bot
Microsoft Bot
IBM Waatson
IBM Waatson
Apple Map Kit
Apple Map Kit
ML Kit
ML Kit

Got any questions to ask?

Ask our managers anything you want to know about software development, and they’ll answer your question within 24 hours. It’s free of charge and commitment.

Our approach to a social media app development

Key features to power your social media app

Users spend around 3 hours daily on social media thanks to the mix of retention-oriented features that you should definitely consider when creating an app.

Real-time messaging

Chatting is what social apps are all about. We’ll help you build real-time messaging to meet user needs with and related technologies.

Audio and video calls

Another feature that lets users always stay in touch with their friends is audio and video calls. We typically use WebRTC RTP and RTMP protocols to implement streaming features.

Content posting and sharing

This feature lets users personalize their pages and share news and content with others. We’ll create a user-friendly, yet powerful functionality with user needs in mind

AIl recommendations

AI recommendations are a great way to increase user experience and make it more personal. It can be a news feed based on interests or new friends' suggestions

Location-based content

Showing content relevant to users’ location is another way to retain them. Google Places can be of great help in making this feature for most products.

Push notifications

Keep in touch with your users with the help of push notifications. Our social media app developers use the FCM tool to develop personalized push notifications.

User profile

It’s a cornerstone of many apps. We take into account your ideas and requirements to build a thoughtful profile screen with all necessary information


Users want to stay tuned, so it’s vital to give them an option to have news on the tip of their fingers. That’s where all updates from friends and channels of interest are stored

A Glimpse of Work We've Done for Forward-Thinking
and Clients

Questions You Might Have

Single out the details about the discovery phase

You can expect several benefits from implementing social media app into your business:

  • You can build a community around your brand and gain new leads from it.
  • You receive a source of valuable market insights that’ll help you learn your audience and make smarter business decisions.
  • You will open a broader audience to expand your customer base.
  • You can increase user engagement via in-app features for more unique communications with your audience.

Data security is everything. To make your social media app secure, it must comply with HIPAA, IEC 62304, ISO 13485, ISO 27001, ISO 27799 security standards. If you can handle this yourself, find a reliable IT vendor that can develop a social media app for you with all necessary compliance.

Every product we create goes through several stages that grant fast development and over-the-top software quality that pleases clients’ business needs. These stages are:
  • Discovery phase
  • UI/UX design
  • Product development
  • Release and post-release support

It depends on the type of app and your business goals. But we’ve formed a pack of key features for this kind of apps:

  • User profile
  • Newsfeed
  • Real-time messaging
  • Content posting and sharing
  • AI recommendations
  • Audio and video calls
  • Push notifications
  • Location-based content

You have three options to choose from:

  • Software development from scratch . We build your app based on your requirements and business needs for the ground.
  • MVP development. We help you create a minimal viable product so you can test your idea on real customers and receive feedback for further development.. We help you create a minimal viable product so you can test your idea on real customers and receive feedback for further development.
  • Team extension. We provide you with our developers to expand your in-house team.