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Android App Development

Android App Development Services

Android applications have a predominant use in contemporary times. We develop and create native Android applications without worrying about complexity level. Besides, we use advanced and platform-specific technology like Java and Kotlin to develop comprehensive Android applications.


Build Android app for any purpose

Our software engineers do a detailed study of your needs and requirements. After having assessed that, they go ahead with developing an Android application for you. The complexities and peculiarities are taken care of. The applications are designed in a way that they are compatible with any Android version, which means that you don't need to worry about what your users are using, you just have to assign us the task, and our engineers will do the rest in a lucid way.
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Android Apps built to Solve Challenges

We take care of what you want, how you want, and where you want while developing applications.

The use of mobile applications has taken a wider space in the present era of competitive markets. Almost most of the problems are solved at your fingertips. The complexity of your business problem does not stop such applications from creating a revolution. At Acmo Network, we take into consideration these points and build for our clients the customized applications.

Live streaming and Video-on-demand applications should be focused on seamless content delivery. The apps offer personalized content, from music to live broadcasts, enhancing engagement and loyalty with user-friendly interfaces.

Travel or hospitality applications are data-driven and have numerous features to attract users. Travel apps simplify bookings, provide real-time navigation, and offer convenience with features like mobile check-ins, ensuring a smoother journey.

We customize mobile applications for agribusiness. These apps revolutionize agriculture with weather forecasts, market trends, and tools for crop monitoring, pest control, and irrigation management, boosting productivity.

If you are facing issues in retail that are impacting your business, then having credible Android mobile applications can solve it all in one go. The proper development approach can turn any Android device into a POS system or MSR device.

Generate efficiency in your warehouse work through our customized Android services. Android apps streamline warehouse operations by enabling real-time tracking of stock levels, order processing, and logistics, enhancing overall efficiency in inventory control and order fulfillment.

We can include any applications in it ranging from nutrition app, weight observer, walk and run options, etc. Fitness apps provide personalized workout routines, nutrition tracking, and progress monitoring, fostering a sense of community and motivation for users pursuing health and well-being goals.

Technologies for advanced Android Apps

We use a set of time-tested technologies and services to deliver your app functionality in the short term and build a great user experience

Big Data

● Big data architecture design
● Apache Spark and Hadoop
● HDFS, Hive, Pig, Impala, Oozie
● EMR, Redshift

Media Expertise

● Live Streaming and OTT delivery
● Video Processing
● Content Distribution Networks
● Web RTC, FFMPEG, Wowza, DRM

Warehouse & Inventory

● Indoor positioning:
Wi-Fi RTT, Indoorway, Navizon
● Barcode: Google Vision API (Barcode API)
● Android Things: Cloud IoT Core, TensorFlow

Computer vision

● Image processing
● Deep Learning OCR: Keras, Supervisely
● Face Detection: HOG, SVM Computer vision
● OpenCV, Kairos, Luxand Face

Google Resources

● Architecture: Room, ViewModel, LiveData, and Lifecycle
● Media and Web: media-compat library, ExoPlayer, PWA
● Graphics and Games: Palette API, Glide, OpenGL ES
● Sensors, Multi-window mode, Conversational Actions

IoT Expertise

● Protocols: NFC, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LPWAN, IPv6 over LoWPAN
● Сommunication Security (TLS, DTLS) and Data Encryption
● Artik module, Raspberry Pi, Arduino
● AWS: Lambda, Kinesis, S3, SageMaker, Sumerian

Android app technology stack we use

We use only scalable and time-tested technology stack for Android apps.

FRP and networking
J Unit
J Unit

A Glimpse of Work We've Done for Forward-Thinking Brands and Clients

Mobile Apps

Questions You Might Have

Learn more about our Android app development workflow.

We follow these steps:

  • Business analysis. We gather and analyze all the project requirements and document them.
  • UI/UX design. Create wireframes, design the app screen by screen, and make a prototype.
  • Development. Build custom Android app using programming languages like Java and Kotlin.
  • Release. Publish apps on Google Play.
  • Maintenance. Support or enhance existing products (if requested).

Top things to check when choosing a mobile app development company:

  1. Portfolio
  2. Client reviews on platforms like Clutch, GoodFirms, or Upwork
  3. Development methodology – Agile is today’s gold standard
  4. Development tools and programming languages
  5. GitHub
  6. Project management tools

It depends on your app’s complexity and whether you have any specific requirements.

If you want to know how much time your Android app is going to take, please contact our Business Analytics, describing your idea.

Android app development services include:

  • Business analysis
  • UI/UX design
  • Development
  • Release
  • Maintenance (if requested)

Before choosing a mobile app development company, make sure they have enough expertise:

  • Check their portfolio
  • Talk to their previous clients and take their feedback
  • Make sure the company provides additional services like UI/UX design or QA testing
  • Check their tech stack

Because Android is the most popular mobile OS in the world. By opting for mobile app development for Android, you help your idea reach a wider audience.