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Custom Web Development

Web App Development Services

The Web development formation marks an intricate yet one of the amazing services that our company provides. Intricate by the fact that it involves extremely minute details and codes to make the best of it. We design web applications that help you transform your firm in the digital world by modernizing legacy apps or by improving the mobile experience.


Develop performant and secure web apps

We make web applications using time-proven languages and frameworks, store data in secure databases, and apply microservices to make apps scalable.

Multipurpose web applications

We design web applications for any device, domain, or platform. Some of them are:

Progressive web apps
We design Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) to ensure that you can easily operate it on any device and in an offline setting as well. They are developed to make sure they work along with other apps and on multiple platforms as well.
Fast-loading SPA
Single-page applications (SPA) update only required content and cache local data to improve the website’s speed. SPAs we make are fast, responsive, and work across multiple browsers. No page reloads or too long waiting time.
Responsive Websites
Responsive websites adjust themselves to dynamic needs such as screen size, pixel change, etc. Going responsive ensures great experience for mobile users, saving time and money on designing the iOS or Android version of the app.

Our area of expertise

We create software for different industries and businesses, providing high-level tech specialists to handle software development.

Web-based portals, applications, patient details, EHR/EMR, etc. We design applications that can facilitate your health sector besides we encrypt sensitive information, configure access rights in the database and a firewall.

Online platform to learn, take tests, make schedules, school management for teachers, students, parents, assign tasks and duties, schedule meetings and conferences, and pre-design academic calendars.

We meet the needs of FinTech enterprises by developing customized web applications apart from specialized CRMs that can store and operate customer information, track transactions, and improve quality of service.

We build apps that can store all your data, from collecting, transporting, demanding, etc. We engineer applications in a way that your company adapts easily and boosts your productivity.

E-commerce apps with clear interface design, third-party integrations, and payment gateways like Stripe, Braintree, or PayPal. Secure to protect users' data, scalable to expand the app as the business grows.

From HMS software to marketplaces for travelers and CRMs for travel agencies. We help to deliver travel apps that run fast, look good, and are easy to integrate with your OTAs (Expedia) and GDSs (Amadeus).

Have any questions?

Our managers will consult you about choosing a web-based solution for your needs.

Web Application development services

We improve businesses by imbibing the best web applications or creating apps from scratch with custom UI/UX design.

Software consulting
Our business experts assess your idea, outline features, and provide detailed cost and time estimates. Solution Architects help you to choose suitable architecture and infrastructure and consult on programming tools and approaches.
Custom UI/UX design
We follow Material Design guidelines, ensure page load optimization, and create responsive apps that are easy to use on any device. We make wireframes first, develop 2-3 visual concepts, then design every app screen.
Legacy web app modernization
Re-architect, Re-design, or Re-create old software, migrate to the cloud, add new features, or change the old-fashioned interface to a clear UI. Solution Architects will study your existing software and help to choose the best tools to upgrade it.
Custom web app development
Full-cycle web app development service: from getting acquainted with the idea to product release. Our development teams have every tech specialist you may need — developers, UI/UX designers, QA engineers, DevOps.

Transforming Businesses with Custom App Solutions

We consult businesses, helping them modernize or create apps from scratch with custom UI/UX design.

E-commerce apps and B2B portals to expand your business online. We integrate payments, in-app chats and store data in the cloud. We ensure meeting SOC 1,2, & 3, PCI DSS (level 1), ISO 27001, and FIPS 140-2.
CRM, ERP, HRM, and web-based apps that improve workflow. We use Inspinia templates to cut time making admin panels, apply AWS for security and high-performance, and use microservices for scaling.
Media Live
Streaming apps, Custom OTT platforms, digital media that engage your audience. Apps for mobile and desktop browsers and TVs that follow the latest trends like gamification, audio and video streams, audio chats.
Web marketplaces for product sales, rentals, and services management. Our team implements payments, mapping, and integrates search systems. Your product gets validation of a user’s identity and transactions.

The Development process at Acmo Network

We follow the Scrum framework, working in 2-week sprints and completing a set amount of work by the end of each. Then show a demo or release the product.

We read your entire project. Followed by an analysis of your requirements — project type, features, platforms — then create specifications, design, and approve wireframes. We also provide time & money estimates, if needed.

  • Business Analyst
  • UI/UX designer
  • QA engineer
  • Project Manager
  • Solution Architect

UI/UX designers prepare a few visual concepts among which you are to chose the style. Then we create a style guide with logos, colors, fonts, and other elements and craft the final UI for each screen based on the wireframes made before.

  • Project Manager
  • UI/UX designer

Front-end and back-end coding are done in two-week sprints. Software testing goes in parallel with the development: QA engineers do manual checks to make sure the app works as expected and run load and stress tests to see how it copes with high load.

  • Project Manager
  • Web developers
  • QA engineer

Moving software to a live web server and making it available online. DevOps engineers prepare a cloud hosting environment, deploy the web application, and then give you access credentials.

  • Project Manager
  • QA engineer
  • Web developers
  • DevOps

We maintain what we provide. After the application goes online, the development team continues monitoring and improving the software — fixing bugs, adding new features, further scaling, and so on. We provide maintenance services per clients’ requests.

  • Project Manager
  • Developers
  • UI/UX designer
  • QA engineer
  • DevOps

Have any project on mind?

Convert your project idea into a profitable business

Technology Stack

We use the following tools to create web applications and admin panels

Web Architecture

Javascript CSS
Javascript CSS





A Glimpse of Work We've Done for Forward-Thinking
and Clients

Questions You Might Have

Answering popular questions about website application development services

Web app development stands for creating custom web applications from scratch, including web design, user- and server-side development, and QA testing.
Apart from creating custom web applications, we provide services like web designing, QA testing, support, and maintenance.
Always check your web developers' expertise and make sure they provide the services you need.
Start with listing your requirements. For example, if you want a custom UI design, but have no in-house designers, look for companies that provide such services.

If you're making the web app from scratch, make sure your tech vendor has every specialist required. Usually, the team includes Business Analysts, Project Managers, front and back end developers, QA engineers, DevOps.
We follow these steps:
  1. Business analysis. We gather and analyze your project requirements and document them in a specification.
  2. UI/UX design. Create wireframes and screen-by-screen design for your web app.
  3. Development. Take care of both user and server-side development and testing.
  4. Release. Make your website go live.
  5. Maintenance. Support or enhance existing products (if requested).
In responsive design, the layout is shrinking or expanding according to users’ display width. Even if the window is changing in one pixel, the page will slightly rearrange its elements.

You save time and money on designing the mobile version, and your users enjoy a great experience on their smartphones and tablets.

CRM systems for large-size companies, etc.